e enjte, 12 maj 2011

Sandow Birk: Press

Hamlin, Jesse. “SFJazz breaks ground on $50 million hub, new era.” SFGate.com. May 2011.

"The auditorium is named for Robert N. Miner, the late Oracle co-founder whose son-in-law, novelist Robert Mailer Anderson, is an SFJazz board member who's co-chairing the $60 million capital campaign with publisher Nion McEvoy. ($43 million is in the bag). Kline hopes to book multiple-night performances in the theater by such stars as Ornette Coleman, Herbie Hancock and Diana Krall, who usually play one night in a 3,000-seat hall like Davies or the Masonic.....Anderson has commissioned a ceramic mural from artist Sandow Birk, whom he calls "the Diego Rivera of our time," that will adorn the SFJazz Center's second-floor lobby."

To Read More...SFGate.com